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About Us


A mythological bird that dies in fire and rises from the ashes. This bird is also rumored to have healing powers (yep, a Harry Potter quote).

The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth and hope, even in the darkest moments when all hope should be lost.  

For me, that hope lies in our children.  

Children who are taught about and understand the world will grow into adults that change it for the better.  They will see darkness and hard times, as everyone does in their lifetime, but, hopefully, they will learn to rise again, to try again, and to always have hope for something better.



The center of everything.
We learn who we are at home. We learn how the world works and where our place is in it. We learn morals and values.
It’s warm. Comfortable. Safe. Loving. Forgiving.

As I watched my children switch from public to virtual “home school” I watched them change. They were happier. Calmer. More focused.

They were more willing to make mistakes and try again. To ask questions.

And isn’t that how we learn?

Isn’t that where growth comes from?



A place of study and learning.

Learning leads to progress.  Growth.  Understanding.  Improvement.

Learning requires two things: a question and a way to find the answer. 

If we are doing it right, we are constantly learning…always becoming better because of what we learn.  

My kids deserve to learn, not memorize.  They deserve that light in their eyes as something complex starts to make sense.  They deserve creativity and a love of learning.


Our Founder.

Ashley is a wife and mother of four.  She has a degree in early childhood education and has always loved teaching.  Her best teaching talents are curriculum writing and adaptation.  She’s taught in preschool and been an aide in kindergarten, 1st grade, and special education.  She writes most of the curriculum you find on our site.  Ashley’s favorite school subject is American history because she loves learning about people and the similarities we have with our ancestors.  

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is simply what we use in our home.  We aren’t endorsed by anyone, we don’t receive payments.  This is just us sharing what we are doing.  Feel free to use entire units, single lessons, or even just gather ideas.  Lesson plans were, except when noted, written by our founder.  They strive to include different perspectives and our most current understandings of the world with an understanding that even scholars and scientists are still learning.  Curriculum follows (and each lesson plans includes) core standards for the state of Utah, appropriate to the grade.  Everything is free for anyone to use in their own home, in co-ops, or in community pods, but we ask that you do not sell it as your own.  Click here to see our curriculum by grade.

Why We Homeschool

Homeschool is a deeply personal choice and no two families decide to dive in for exactly the same reasons.  Some want more time at home with their children.  Others are worried about the ideas that are being presented in schools.  Still others see children who struggle with the classroom expectations and want something that works better for their family.  Sometimes it’s health reasons.  Or maybe self-reliance.  Or travel desires.  Other times it’s a mixture of it all.  Whatever your reasons for considering homeschool, it is terrifying.  Everyone knows it is, especially those veteran homeschoolers who look flawless to us newbies. 

With that thought, I want to share three ideas that were shared with me as I looked down the barrel of this decision:

  1. You, and only you, know your children best.  You have their best interests at heart and, with the help of God, you will not fail.
  2. There is no one right way to homeschool.  There are a million.  Just as every child is different, every homeschool will be different.  And that is where the beauty lies.
  3. YOU will learn and grow, too.  You, the parent, will have to challenge yourself.  You will have to learn what works and what doesn’t.  You will celebrate the good days and learn from the bad ones.  Together, your entire family will grow.  And it will make you stronger both as individuals and as a family.

How We Are Different

Phoenix. Home. Academy. is not like any other homeschool curriculum out there.  It isn’t like any other school, either.

We encourage parents to teach and be involved in their child’s education.  Directly and daily.  Whether you teach the lesson plans or you hire someone else to, you are meant to be your child’s first and most important teacher.  You are meant to adjust and tweak them to fit your needs.  Lessons are meant to be taught and then reinforced during daily life.

We include state core standards and assessment sheets with our lessons.  Standards and goals are not inherently bad.  We all need something to strive for and a method of organizing our goals.  P.H.A. curriculum is written with state standards in mind.  Each lesson or unit shows which state standard it covers.  Assessment is encouraged as an on-going process which should be considered as the school year progresses.


How to Teach

Not everyone has a degree in teaching, but everyone can teach.  

When deciding to homeschool this is often the most intimidating thought: but I’m not a teacher.

As a mother or a father, you are.  Often you teach without even realizing it.  And, though you don’t have a degree, you have access to so many resources and guides.  It will be a learning process, you will make some mistakes, but your love for your children and concern for their future will help you grow into the teacher your child needs.  

Check our our teaching guide here for more information, tips, and tricks.

Contact Us

To contact us please us the Contact Form here or email

Phoenix Home Academy is not affiliated with any state, federal, or religious group.  The views expressed and taught are those of the author alone and have not been approved as official curriculum.  The materials and resources presented through links are the property of their individual authors and not Phoenix Home Academy.  We receive no compensation for links.

Your use of the materials presented constitutes your agreement to term and conditions in our privacy policy and an understanding that you are solely responsible for your child’s education You also agree that you will not sell any of the materials on this website.  Materials that are the property of Phoenix Home Academy and authors do not constitute or carry a guarantee of any kind.  Images used are either under creative commons or used with permission of the artist for the purpose of education.